Microbiology is the study of living organisms that are too small to be visible with the naked eye, including bacteria, fungi and viruses. These microbes are key to our understanding of life on this planet Ð from human and animal disease, to better food production and microbial involvement in global cycles.

YouÕll study a range of microbiological topics affecting humanity today, such as bacterial resistance to antibiotics, use of microbes in biotechnology for food production and agriculture, and how microbes cause disease.

ThereÕs a focus on practical and analytical training in microbiological and molecular techniques, equipping you for a wide range of future careers in scientific and health research, and beyond.

The integratedÊMicrobiology, MBiol at University of Leeds offers you an additional year of specialist training and an advanced qualification. YouÕll study specialist research topics and undertake an extended research project.

Course highlights
  • Choice: As well as building a broad understanding of microbiology youÕll have the chance to develop specialist knowledge through in-depth study on optional modules.
  • Learn from experts: Our academics are active researchers and leaders in the field and have the expertise to teach microbiology at the highest level.
  • Research opportunities: YouÕll receive extensive training opportunities in microbiological and molecular techniques Ð essential for careers in scientific research.
  • Flexibility: Common core modules in the first year of many of our courses mean you could have the opportunity to transfer onto a related degree course as your interests develop.
  • Excellent student satisfaction: We received a 100% satisfaction score for Microbiology in the most recent National Student Satisfaction surveyÊ
  • Accreditation: Our MBiol and BSc with Industrial Placement Year courses have been awarded advanced accreditation by the Royal Society for Biology.


As well as providing you with subject-specific knowledge, we aim to equip you with the best possible skills for a variety of future careers. All of our degrees have a strong emphasis on practical based teaching, small group teaching, online learning and problem solving.

Throughout the degree, youÕll gain a wide range of transferable skills which are highly valued by employers. Supported by the Leeds for Life scheme and your academic and personal tutor, youÕll be ideally placed to focus on your personal development and make the most of your time at university.

Given the huge importance of microorganisms to all aspects of our lives, microbiologists will always be in demand. Microbiology is an exciting, challenging and rewarding subject; it has a key role to play in the health and development of mankind.

Typical graduate destinations include employment in laboratories in academia, healthcare and industry, as well as careers in law and other professions. Some graduates go on to further study at MSc or PhD level.