Why study?

This exciting and challenging interdisciplinary degree offers flexibility, with intellectual depth and intellectual diversity.

The Liberal Arts programme is offered by University of Leeds.

You choose a ÒmajorÓ in a traditional humanities or social science subject Ð examples include English, History, Music, Performance, Philosophy, Politics, and Religious Studies. This strand of the course gives you intellectual depth.

You also take a bundle of modules from three out of six broadly defined Topic areas: Literature and the Visual Arts; Society and Politics; Performance, Theatre and Music; the Digital World; Living Histories and Heritage; and Ethics, Science and Religion. This strand of the course enables you to follow your interests across a wide range of subject areas, and teaches you skills of cross-disciplinary inquiry.

Learning and assessment

We use a range of teaching and learning methods including lectures, seminars and tutorials, though workshops are also used on occasion.

However, independent study is a vital part of this degree, since it allows you to form and test your own ideas while developing your skills in research, interpretation and analysis.

We also use different types of assessment, which are usually a mixture of exams and essays. However, some modules may also assess you on oral presentations or group work. Support will be on hand throughout your time at Leeds Ð for example, youÕll be able to attend extra classes on exam technique and public speaking.