This BSc Mathematics and Statistics programme offered by the University of Leeds is accredited by the Royal Statistical Society, qualifying you for graduate statistician status, your first step to becoming a chartered statistician. Statisticians are in high demand in both the private and public sectors, in areas such as market research, the pharmaceuticals industry and the NHS, environmental science, forensic science and government statistics. You also have the same graduate opportunities as you gain from a Mathematics degree.

Many students choose to do the BSc degree, but if you are interested in learning more about mathematics, closer to the frontiers of research, or if you want to use mathematics at a higher level in your career, the MMath could be right for you.

The first year of study contains an introduction to all the main areas of mathematics and statistics, similar to the Mathematics degree. This allows you to change into mathematics or mathematical studies should interests or career plans change.

In the second year, having gained a firm grounding, students take a number of core modules on mathematical and statistical techniques and have a wide choice of modules including algebra, geometry, logic, analysis. The statistical modules cover topical subjects such as environmental statistics, as well as core statistical methods.

In the third year at least half of your modules will be in statistics, but you have the freedom to study a wide variety of options, including modules from pure and applied Mathematics. We currently have over 40 final level modules to choose from. There is also a project, worth at least a quarter of your final year credits, in which you get to work one-to-one with a memeber of staff on a specialised area that interests you the most.