Mechanical engineers have a huge impact on modern living, working to make continual improvements to the everyday things we take for granted, as well as designing new technologies and contributing to large-scale projects such as high-speed transport systems and space stations.

Mechanical engineers help shape the way we live through the design and manufacture of everyday items, from sports equipment to hightech operating theatres for hospitals, vehicles and public transport infrastructure, and industrial applications such as the structural design of oil platforms. A wide range of skills are needed to achieve this in an efficient, environmentally friendly and sustainable way.

The University has a long history of excellence in mechanical engineering and this degree will give you a broad base of knowledge which can be applied to a variety of mechanical engineering-related industries and beyond.

The first two years of our five degree courses share the same set of compulsory modules and in years three and four you will undertake specialist modules according to your chosen degree course. A key benefit of having a common first two years is that you can easily switch between our different degrees.

The Mechanical Engineering MEng programme is offered by the University of Leeds.


Our mechanical engineers can be found working around the world, from running oil platforms to working on automation and robotics, designing futuristic buildings and working in the manufacturing industry.