The MSc in Project Management at LUMS is distinctive in its focus on projects within a broad spectrum of business. It seeks to build generic skills, which allow its graduates to enter a wide variety of project management careers

This MSc will give all the 'tools' of professional project management but combine that with an all-important emphasis on how to manage people and interventions most effectively throughout the change process.

As a top-rated Management School, with specialists in all areas of management, HR and organisational behaviour, we can help students explore these issues and develop their confidence in managing complexity and ambiguity. For any project manager, this is an essential skill to master, since projects are typically characterised by fluidity and change, however carefully they may be scoped at the outset and negotiated with different stakeholders.

Most staff teaching on the programme has experienced the joys, frustrations and tensions of managing real-world projects. In addition, guest speaker contributions give students the chance to learn from current practitioners, engaged in diverse industries and organisations. This is also a great way to extend students professional networks in the industry.

Through students work on the various programme modules, they will develop many highly relevant practical skills for careers in project management from the use of MS Project and other key software through budgeting, negotiation, international teamwork, and preparing and making presentations.

The action learning style of the programme, including the chance to undertake substantial live client projects, provides opportunities to test out and refine students skills before they launch themselves on to the job market. 

The programme attracts students from across the world, from very different working and academic backgrounds and that diverse make-up is one of its great strengths. It forms the nucleus of a great learning environment, and gives students globally-based friends and professional colleagues for the future