The professional training provided in the MSc has allowed graduates from the programme to work as economists in central banks, as financial analysts in financial institutions and to undertake doctoral research.

The programme gives you a comprehensive coverage of economic theory and advanced quantitative methods Ð with analysis of financial markets Ð and includes discussion of the institutional framework of the money and banking sectors. The MBF MSc is delivered by a mix of highly experienced and prominent academics as well as professionals. This allows the programme to adapt its contents to a changing environment and keeps it at the cutting edge of the various disciplines taught in the MSc.

The programme is based in the Department of Economics but is taught jointly with the Department of Accounting and Finance. The first two terms are devoted to taught modules to give you a strong grounding in key areas of theory and practice. In the third term and over the summer months students complete a research project (dissertation). Each individual student is assigned to a supervisor on the basis of their expertise on the topic selected. The dissertation allows you to analyse a research theme in depth and apply the theoretical and statistical skills you have developed during the taught part of the programme.

Students are drawn from a variety of backgrounds but must have a good basic knowledge of economics and statistics. It is therefore important that your first degree contains a substantial element of economics, and that you also have strong quantitative skills.

The total number of students admitted each year to the programme averages 25. This allows us to maximise the benefits of small-group teaching and ensure a high level of staffÐstudent interaction.