The internationally respected PhD programme connects you with a thriving and friendly community of research-active staff, and with our three departmental research hubs: the Centre for Higher Education Research and Evaluation, the Centre for Social Justice and Wellbeing in Education, and the Centre for Technology Enhanced Learning. You will benefit from their extensive and diverse research experience and the broad spectrum of departmental interests, and youÕll become a contributing member of this community of highly-regarded researchers.Undertaken part-time or full-time over a minimum of four years, this traditional route has attracted a large number of students over 25 years and you will find that it delivers a very human, inclusive and rich learning environment thatÕs also supportive and sociable.You are able to participate in research seminars, a reading group, postgraduate group meetings and in the research and evaluation projects led by our academics, when available. YouÕll also benefit from our active and mutually beneficial relationship with a network of local schools and colleges.YouÕll undertake research into an issue or concern of your choosing and write a thesis, which is produced under the excellent and detailed supervision of a subject expert and will contribute new knowledge to the scholarly community.Although you will work independently, our supervision includes regular face-to-face meetings at Lancaster or at a distance. Most students commence in October in order to make use of our FacultyÕs research training courses but we are able to be flexible over start dates. Likely outcomes include career progression, a move into an academic post, and the satisfaction of intellectual curiosity.