The programmeÕs flexible design allows students to choose modules offered by any of the departmentÕs MA programmes, on-campus or distance, as well as modules specific to the Thesis and Coursework programme. Many students in this programme are professionals balancing PhD studies with full-time careers, and this contributes to the rich and stimulating academic environment.Students attend four intensive residentials at Lancaster University during which time they complete a portion of their coursework, participate in a graduate student conference, and engage in a range of professional and academic development activities. Fulltime students remain in Lancaster for the duration of their degree; part-time students typically live outside Lancaster and/or Great Britain. All students receive regular on-going support and advice from their supervisor throughout their degree.They are approaching our 20th year of providing this innovative programme, and they continually review and update the content. They anticipate introducing some changes to the programme from October 2019.Ê If you are interested in applying for entry in 2019 or beyond, please contact the department (Elaine Heron) for information on how the programme is likely to change.