This programme, which offers both an academic award and a professional qualification in social work (on successful completion you can apply to register as a social worker with the Health and Care Professions Council), prepares you for a career in a broad range of social work agencies and settings.

The teaching emphasis is on issues relevant to social work practice in contemporary Britain, and explores the ways in which sociology, law, social policy and psychology inform and enhance professional social work.

They work in partnership with local stakeholders, including the main statutory and voluntary social work agencies in the North West, and as part of the your degree you will complete a total of 200 days of placement practice learning (170 days on placement and 30 skills development days in the University). The skills, insights and understanding you will acquire through these practical placements in more than one social work setting not only complement your academic learning at Lancaster but will be critical in informing your development as a social worker and your subsequent professional practice.