Problem solving skills lie at the heart of mathematics. From your first week, you will take part in regular classes to develop problem solving and teamwork skills, ensuring that you are a highly competent graduate valued by employers.

Our degrees include training in report writing, mathematical computing and presentation skills, all of which come together in a group project at the beginning of the third year. In addition, final year MSci students write a substantial dissertation in either pure mathematics or statistics under the supervision of a member of staff who is an active researcher. There is also the option of writing this dissertation as part of a collaborative project with industry.

The degrees in Statistics and in Mathematics with Statistics will grant you accreditation to Graduate Statistician status of the Royal Statistical Society and exemption from the probability and statistics exam of the Institute and Faculty of Actuaries, subject to satisfactory academic performance.


The versatility of a mathematics and statistics degree opens up a broad range of career options. Your skills in logical thinking, analytical working and problem solving are highly transferable and much sought after by employers. Recent graduates are pursuing career paths as actuaries, analysts, clinical and medical statisticians, software developers, accountants, and teachers. Others remain at Lancaster to study at Masters or PhD level.