Engineering technologists drive these changes. From audio equipment to vacuum cleaners, designs improve every year as new solutions to old problems become available.Ê

Our mechanical engineering technology degree prepares students to identify, understand and exploit these advances to the advantage of their career, their employers' profitability and society's benefit. The programme aims to produce graduates with a balance of analytical, entrepreneurial and exploitative skills to launch them into exciting careers as incorporated engineers.Ê

The aims of the programme are:

  • To provide you with the knowledge and skills relevant to a career as an incorporated engineer who can work effectively with current and future engineering technologies, methods and standards
  • To support you in understanding the innovative and pioneering approaches in this field and to be able to apply them to the solution of real-world problems to develop new engineering solutions
  • To help you acquire the knowledge and skills required to perform a variety of incorporated engineer roles within mechanical engineering, electrical and electronic engineering and associated specialist fields.