The programme considers current technologies (e.g.: AlphaZero, AlphaGo, IBM Watson, Siri, Alexa), what is behind them, and then moves beyond them, by equipping learners with the necessary open-minded thinking to effectively analyse the needs for future technologies and the ability to create and shape them.

This programme offers the opportunity to participate in a highly motivated intellectual environment with research-active tutors and like-minded peers while exploring and engaging with cutting edge technologies.

The postgraduate marketplace in a broad range of Engineering and Business sectors needs forward thinking graduates capable of understanding future trends, to support and help businesses adapt and stay ahead of the curve. The programme's postgraduates will be able to reach both highly technical and managerial career aspirations as they will obtain the relevant skills to move the industry forward into the age of intelligence.

The aims of the programme are to:

  • Show you how to analyse, design, implement and manage intelligent, innovative technologies and systems in the context of engineering-related issues faced by society
  • Provide you with the skills to further your career in these areas
  • Support you in understanding the innovative and pioneering approaches in this field and apply them as solutions to present and future real-world problems.