• On this MSc, you’ll be taught by qualified academic experts and specialist external lecturers, who’ll cover everything from the fundamentals of the subject to the latest technologies and trends.
  • They’ll spark your imagination and develop your critical thinking skills with deep intellectual challenges. You’ll also be exposed to the principles of knowledge management, and decision making and design in process systems and business-information technologies.
  • What you will study

    • If you’re a graduate of engineering, science or a related discipline, this MSc will allow you to specialise in the exciting area of information and process engineering.
    • While you gain valuable working knowledge of what’s involved, we’ll expand your understanding of the technologies and systems used, and how these work in practice. To inspire your individual path through our course, you’ll have the option to choose from a range of engaging modules, allowing you to customise your degree to your preferred area of study.
    • You’ll also have access to a wide range of software and laboratory facilities to maximise your learning experience, including our process engineering facility, a control and robotics facility, and signal processing laboratories.

    The University operates a credit framework for all taught programmes based on a 15-credit tariff. Modules can be either 15, 30, 45, 75 and 120 credits, and additionally for some masters dissertations, 90 credits.


    • Our full-time members of staff and numerous visiting lecturers will motivate you throughout the course, driving you forward so you can realise your potential.
    • Our library will be one of your most valuable resources during your studies. In the subject of engineering alone, it’s home to more than 85,000 printed books and e-books, and more than 1,400 journal titles. You can extend these resources further through inter-library loans.
    • You’ll use a wide range of software as part of your dissertation projects. You could follow in the footsteps of past students by working on projects such as the design of knowledge-based systems and business systems on the internet. This also includes the application of optimisation algorithms, semantic web applications and the modelling of process systems.
    • If you choose to pursue a technology-based project, you can easily take advantage of our forward-thinking laboratory facilities across the University. The work you do in relation to your dissertation can be done in parallel with, and in support of, ongoing research. There’s also the possibility you could continue your research to PhD level.


    • Graduates have lifetime access to Surrey Pathfinder, our online portal for appointment and events bookings, jobs, placements and interactive development tools.
    • Engineers and scientists are increasingly expected to have skills in information systems engineering and decision support systems, alongside their main technical and scientific expertise.
    • As a graduate of this course, you'll be well prepared to help technologically driven organisations make important decisions in the presence of vast amounts of information. You’ll help them adopt, implement and execute the right strategies.