• Geotechnical engineering – the mechanics of the earth’s materials – is a sector with a huge global skills shortage, meaning that well-trained geotechnical engineers are in high demand. 
  • Our Advanced Geotechnical Engineering MSc will equip students with the necessary skills and knowledge to pursue an exciting career in the geotechnical engineering sector, including offshore and earthquake geotechnics.  
  • Our MSc Advanced Geotechnical Engineering will develop student's understanding of the principles and theories behind ground engineering, from soil mechanics to site investigation, advanced soil testing, and foundation design. We’ll provide them with the necessary skills to address technological challenges in the geotechnical engineering sector.
  • The course covers the following:
    • Fundamental soil mechanics and its modeling using numerical approaches
    • Testing of soils for obtaining design parameters – we use our purpose-built SAGE laboratory for teaching
    • Analysis techniques:
      • Simplified (spreadsheet-based)
      • Standard (code-based methods or simple software)
      • Advanced (finite element method)
    • Design and construction of foundations for bridges, buildings, offshore structures, tunnels, and deep basements in busy cities
    • Dissertation on a geotechnical topic
    • Back analysis of the collapse of foundations.