• In student's first year they will complete four compulsory training courses, covering quantitative research methods, qualitative research methods, professional academic skills, and teaching and training. They will also familiarise themself with relevant literature, create a research plan, develop their methodological and analytic skills, and complete their first study. 
  • Throughout student's studies, they will gain a solid grounding in research methods and improve their communication skills to effectively convey their findings. They will collect data and analyze this, completing a detailed literature review and then writing up their Ph.D. thesis. Depending on their research project, data collection can take place in schools, hospitals, laboratories, or online. 
  • Current students are researching topics including: 
    • Deficits inflexible thought in stroke aphasic patients 
    • How the natural environment, or representations of it, can be of benefit to individuals with mental health issues. 
    • How older people living with HIV perceive their health. 
    • If the pronouns ‘they/them’ can be used as genderless pronouns and what impact these may have on STEM subjects. 
    • Symptom perception and the cognitive and emotional factors impacting the symptom experience. 
    • The role of emotions in the psychology of uncertainty, information search, and learning.