This Masters is built around your personal design interests and aspirations. It allows you to push the boundaries of creativity, within a framework of academic rigour and contextual research. You can choose to study any of the following areas: Advertising, Animation, Calligraphy and lettering, Creative computational design, Design thinking, innovation and ideation, Design leadership, Fashion, product and promotion, Graphic communication, Graphic design, Illustration, Interactive media, Motion graphics, Typographic design. Other specialised design disciplines will also be considered.

Our specialist tutors will work with you as you create a portfolio of creative designs that will excite and impress potential employers. By the end of the course, you will have completed a major project that has evolved from your practice and research. The project will be supported by a critical evaluation report.

Compared to an undergraduate course, you will find that this MA Design programme requires a higher level of independent working. The course aims to stretch your creativity and maximise your sense of personal fulfilment.