The Department of Health and Social Care has a longstanding tradition of providing excellent social work education and training and has produced a wide range of research that has been highly influential in the development of social work practice.

The MSc Social Work is an accelerated programme for applicants who already have a first degree and want to embark on a career in social work; the course will fully prepare you for a professional career in the statutory or voluntary social care field.

The Social Work programme is offered at the Royal Holloway University of London. Research and teaching within the Department of Health and Social care derives from its key objectives of ensuring contemporary health, welfare policy and practice can be informed at every level by a sound social science knowledge base. We undertake a wide variety of commissioned research in the national and international health and welfare arena.

This Masters degree runs in close partnership with local social care agencies and local authorities based in inner and outer London boroughs. The course is a combination of a taught and practice curriculum, where you will undertake two fieldwork placements in addition to the College-based teaching over the two years. This underpins our taught courses for social care practitioners.We welcome overseas and self-funding students.

Why choose this course?

Students have said the following about this course:

  • ÒLectures are delivered by experienced practitioners and leaders in the Health and Social Care field.Ó
  • ÒThe teaching is of a high standard and lectures are interactive with opportunities for small group activity.Ó
  • ÒStaff are enthusiastic, knowledgeable and professional.Ó
  • "There is excellent support for mature students, especially those with childcare and family commitments.Ó
  • ÒI am a final year student and proud to be a postgraduate student at Royal Holloway.Ó
Employability & career opportunities

The MSc in Social Work qualifies graduates for careers in statutory and voluntary social work. Qualified social workers can continue their professional/academic development through taught post-qualifying programmes or research opportunities within the department. This course also equips you with the subject knowledge and a solid foundation for continued PhD studies.