You will study at one of the UK's leading classics departments with an outstanding record in teaching and research. This course is for students who already have A-level standard competence in classical Latin and you will develop your language skills by focusing on the study of Latin texts in the original.

Learning Latin provides insights not only into ancient culture but also into the workings of language in general. The Latin programme is offered at the Royal Holloway University of London.

Employability & career opportunities:

Choosing a Classical subject at Royal Holloway will equip you with a broad range of skills, such as the ability to analyse and summarise content, critically evaluate resources and construct coherent arguments in the written and spoken word. Studying an intellectually demanding discipline will demonstrate to employers that you enjoy being challenged and are able to understand complex issues. You will also develop the transferable skills valued by employers: communication and presentation skills, teamwork, time management and critical thinking.Ê