Most development decisions in oil companies are based on the predictions of computer models of the subsurface. We teach our students the most effective ways to combine the geology, geophysics and reservoir engineering disciplines in order to develop computer models which provide the most robust predictions. The main objective of the MSc programme is to provide a thorough training in aspects of reservoir geology, geophysics and engineering, related to the appraisal and development of subsurface hydrocarbon resources.

Graduates of the REM MSc will be in a unique position of having a thorough understanding of the both the geosciences and engineering issues relevant to hydrocarbon reservoir behaviour. The programme is deliberately intensive, typically consisting of working a full 5 days per week of lectures and practical work, including labs or tutorial exercises designed to teach practical skills in addition to learning theory. The course includes two field trips to observe geology in the field for those with and without prior geological experience.

The most challenging and fulfilling aspect of our course is the project work, particularly the team project, where students are tasked to propose a development plan for real field. The project integrates all the learning in reservoir geosciences and engineering disciplines and reinforces learning through team work.

Who should apply?

Students on the Reservoir Evaluation and Management programme come from a wide variety of backgrounds, including directly from undergraduate degrees and also from years to (occasionally!) decades of experience in the industry. Our students come to us from all parts of the world; in the last few years the students in all three MSc programmes have come from over 30 different nations.