What you'll study:

Introduces Biology largely as Human Biology with accompanying courses in Applied and Environmental Biology. Additional subjects include Mathematics for Scientists and Chemistry, as required for an understanding of future courses in Biochemistry and Physiology.

Concentrates on broad topics in Biology, especially Whole Organism Biology of Animals, Plants and Microorganisms; Cell Structure and Biochemistry; and Nutrition and Health.

Introduces more advanced Cell and Molecular Biology and a detailed functional analysis of Biological Macromolecules.


These are the most common jobs students go into six months after graduating:

  • Science, engineering and technology associate professionals
  • Natural and social science professionals
  • Engineering professionals
  • Managers, directors and senior officials
  • Sales occupations
  • Information technology and telecommunications professionals
  • Conservation and environment professionals
  • Business, research and administrative professionals
  • Quality and regulatory professionals
  • Health associate professionals