Why study this course with us?

Many diseases have a well-characterised genetic basis, while others are multifactorial with a genetic component. The Medical Genetics course from the University of Chester will give you an opportunity to explore genetic disease, the types of mutations leading to disease, and the consequences for treatment. You will build a strong scientific understanding of the genetic and molecular basis of human health and disese. You will study the human genome in depth and be introduced to medical research, genetic counselling and bioethics. The molecular revolution will continue well into this century and the number of effective genetic treatments will increase Ð so be well prepared to take part.This course is for you if you:

  • have an interest in understanding genetic diseases
  • wish to study how evolution has impacted genetic disease
  • want to understand how we can manipulate genes or gene expression to cure genetic disease
  • want to contribute effectively to the debate on the ethics of genetic engineering
  • During this course, you will study genetics in the beautiful birthplace of Charles Darwin together with a broad range of other relevant topics including: gene expression, proteins, applied molecular biology and biomedical ethics.

Job prospects

As a graduate, you may be sought after by life science and pharmaceutical companies. You will also be well placed to continue to postgraduate study. Should you want to continue your studies with us, we offer a number of suitable postgraduate courses at Shrewsbury, and also within Chester Medical School.