The range of modules of the Master of programme offered by the University of ChesterÊwill offer you excellent opportunities to develop your skills in areas such as epidemiology;Êpolicy development and analysis;Êleadership;Êand the collaborative and partnership working required to tackle determinants of health that transcend national boundaries.

Why study this course with us?

  • With the increasing emphasis on health protection, promotion and disease prevention, a variety of new career opportunities have been generated for people with a postgraduate qualification in public health.
  • The Public Health Skills and Career Framework (UK) has been used to define and organise the core areas of knowledge and relevant skills into our five core modules. Thus, all of the key public health competency areas are embedded into the course.
  • Even if your academic background is not directly in public health, we would encourage you to apply, particularly if you are working in the public health, social or community sectors in some capacity.
  • The course is supported by a range of high-profile speakers who are all experts in their fields.