This programme offered by the University of Chester offers practical support to health and social care practitioners undertaking quality improvement or service evaluations. On completion of this course, practitioners will feel confident in their ability to manage a challenging quality improvement and to evaluate changes made.

Why study this course with us?

Our course is designed to support ÔliveÕ improvement projects and service evaluations. It appreciates the dynamic and complex environment of contemporary service provision, and includes real case studies and presentations from experienced people with a track record of delivery in quality improvement and service evaluation.

The underpinning philosophy is that of engagement Ð Ôall share, all learnÕ Ð and therefore the course provides opportunities for students to learn, support and challenge each other in their improvement efforts.

Pathways include:

  • Health Visiting
  • School Nursing
  • Occupational Health Nursing

The course is 50% theory and 50% practice and this is integrated across the duration of the course. You will undertake the theoretical component in the University, and undertake the practice component in a community setting under the supervision of a qualified mentor or Practice Teacher from the defined area of practice.