Why study this course with us?
  • Managing natural hazards is becoming increasingly complex due to a combination of factors, including the spread of cities into hazard-prone areas and the influence of climate change (e.g. more intense/frequent and irregular hurricanes). Managing these hazards therefore needs a holistic and multidisciplinary approach, which is what NHM at Chester provides. This ranges from studying volcanic processes and developing policies and emergency plans, to the use of the latest technology (e.g. dones) to map disaster areas. The range of skills developed as part of this course has resulted in our graduates being highly sought after by employers.
  • You will be challenged to understand how development happens and what key stakeholders do. We aim for you to experience development first-hand through fieldwork, international experience, and meeting UN diplomats in Geneva.
  • You will have opportunities to explore a range of development issues with members of the development community, and may be able to build your own network of development professionals during your course.
  • The Natural Hazard Management and International Development Studies course from the University of Chester has a strong vocational orientation, providing you with the opportunity to combine academic training with practical experience of development work in the UK and abroad.

Job prospects

Students of IDS are well placed to gain jobs in the development community. Recent graduates are working all of the world in a variery of development roles, for example for non-governmental organisations and the UN. Others work in various third sector and socially-focused organisations in the UK.