• Master's in Public Health (MPH) course is an interdisciplinary degree, drawing upon expertise across a wide range of subject areas, and seeks to explore the complexity of Public Health issues in the UK and internationally.
  • The course aims to provide relevant qualifications to meet national and international needs for a skilled public health workforce and to prepare students for further academic study with a view to academic careers.
  • The course provides students with the opportunity to develop and demonstrate systematic knowledge and understanding in a wide range of public health areas, which is reinforced with the wide range of optional modules offered on the course, allowing students to pursue their own health-related interests.
  • Pathways include: global health, health services and an academic route centred on health economics, epidemiology and research methods. Alternatively, you can select options from different pathways.
  • At the end of the Master’s, you will have the opportunity to complete either a dissertation or professional project on a topic of your choice.
  • Skills From This Degree:

    • Analytical skills

    • Presentation skills

    • Communication skills

    • Statistical skills

  • Class sizes will vary, however on average they comprise of 20-25 students.
  • Teaching methods include lectures, seminar and group work, and students will have opportunity to draw on their academic and work experience.
  • Additional optional transferrable skills training is also provided, including in using Microsoft Office applications and statistical software.
  • There is a range of assessment styles, reflecting what is needed when working in public health, such as statistical reports, briefing papers, press releases, action plans, reflections, portfolios, verbal presentations (group and individual) and poster presentations.
  • The department has a dedicated careers consultant to help boost your employability and prepare for a career. There are workshops and events throughout the year.