The Biomedical Science programme is offered at University of the West of Scotland.

Hospital laboratories play a vital role in the diagnosis and treatment of patients, with biomedical scientistsÊcarrying out tests on clinical specimens, with timely and effective analysis of resultsÊinformingÊthe effective diagnosis,Êmonitoring,Êtreatment and prevention of disease by medical staff.

Our course will ensure that you gain the knowledge, skills and experience to play a leading role in the modern healthcare sector.


UWS graduates are well qualified to enter a range of related medical professions including:ÊÊ

  • NHS hospital laboratoriesÊ
  • Scottish National Blood Transfusion Service laboratoriesÊ
  • Health Protection Agency laboratoriesÊ
  • research & development laboratories for the medical, pharmaceutical, veterinary and food sectorsÊ
  • primary and secondary teachingÊÊ
  • nursing