The MA Fashion Media Practice and Criticism course, situated in the School of Media and Communication, is a new four-year course, which has been developed to address the emerging discipline of fashion criticism in the context of fashion communication.

The course explores the importance of fashion within current critical discourses and investigates the impact of fashion on contemporary culture, thereby preparing students to become critical thinkers, rigorous communicators and influential and intelligent practitioners.

Creative and conceptually motivated practical processes will be used as a vehicle to critique fashion and the fashion industry, and these are underpinned by historical, conceptual, philosophical and theoretical frameworks. You will study the disciplines of fashion media from both a practical and theoretical aspect for the first three years of the course, so that your understanding of fashion communication will enable you to produce a substantial piece of original work for your MA project in the fourth year.

The emphasis on the course is on the global nature of fashion communication, and you will learn about publishing, curation, editorial, moving image, critical writing and all aspects of image making. You will also explore intellectual property, law, sustainability, corporate social responsibility, the impact of technology, ethics and the politics of fashion so that you develop a broad social, environmental and cultural awareness. Projects with industry clients and outside agencies will be an important element of the course and you will learn to work both collaboratively and as an individual, alongside developing your problem-solving and entrepreneurship skills You will develop your understanding of fashion communication so that you are able to confidently challenge existing concepts, principles and values of fashion.

The integrated MasterÕs award is a four year programme which allows you to develop your skills and knowledge through a series of units which begin at undergraduate level in the first year, progressively move through the second and half of the third year at this level, and then move into postgraduate level from the middle of the third year and conclude at the end of the fourth year, where on successful completion you will be a awarded a postgraduate Master of Arts qualification. The integrated MasterÕs programme affords you the opportunity to have a holistic educational experience, moving from undergraduate into postgraduate study all in one specialised subject field, without having to identify and apply for additional courses. The course is taught firstly in the undergraduate School of Media and Communication and then in the postgraduate School of Graduate Studies, with an over-arching management structure to ensure quality and parity throughout the entire course.

MA Fashion Media Practice and Criticism is based at Lime Grove in ShepherdÕs Bush, just West of Holland Park and Notting Hill. The area, which is rich in cultural influences from across the world, is home to ShepherdÕs Bush Market and the many fabric shops lining the Goldhawk Road. There are numerous restaurants, cafes, delis and food stores, as well as the market, which reflect the many cultures of the people living there. Nearby is the ShepherdÕs Bush Empire, an excellent venue for live bands, and the Westfield Shopping Centre, one of the largest retail complexes in Europe that caters for the luxury market as well as the high street. Holland Park, with its Orangery and Leighton House Museum, is also worth visiting.