What you can expect from the Visual Arts: Fine Art Digital programme at University of the Arts London (UAL)
  • To blur and break the boundaries between traditional Fine Art disciplines such as painting, sculpture and printmaking
  • To explore the space created by the digital
  • Support from specialist academic staff in workshops, individual tutorials and seminars
  • A shared lecture programme across the Camberwell Visual Arts courses
  • The chance to get involved in projects, seminars and presentations across the University and at other institutions. These have included the Tate Modern, V&A, Institute of Contemporary Arts, FACT in Liverpool, Lumen Art Prize, Aspen Art Award as well as international galleries around the world
  • To take part in a final exhibition in London. This combines work from both online and London based students


CamberwellÕs MA Fine Art Digital graduates go on to work in a wide range of settings, with many now self employed and regularly exhibiting their work in galleries, festivals or running their own creative businesses.

Other alumni work in the wider creative industries as creative directors, designers, photographers, videographers or educationalists. The expanding role of the digital is transforming all creative work and creating new opportunities that could scarcely be imagined just a few years ago.