The MA Strategic Fashion Marketing provides a learning environment in which business graduates can develop both creative and strategic skills in fashion marketing and management. It has an established record of recruiting high calibre international and home/EU students who predominately go on to develop successful middle management fashion marketing careers across the fashion industry spectrum.

MA taught courses may be studied in full time or part time mode, as outlined above, or students can elect to study by Independent Project Mode on either a full time or part time basis. The Independent Project Mode is designed for students whose area of interest lies between, or crosses, subject disciplines. This would be discussed at interview. In addition, for students unable to complete the MA, there may be an opportunity to complete a Postgraduate Diploma.

Masters graduates have an acknowledged advantage in the employment market, obtaining work in a wide range of vocational and academic fields related to fashion. The MA also provides an excellent preparation for higher level research degrees (MPhil or PhD), with an increasing number of graduates undertaking research in fashion related subjects, in practice or theory or entering into education as lecturers.