What students can expect:

  • To develop a unique visual language thatÕs underpinned by an understanding of the commercial market place
  • To explore image making through a range of processes, from screen-based technologies to more traditional hands-on approaches
  • To work in a simulated design studio alongside FdA Graphic Design students, examining communication and management strategies necessary for successful team-working
  • To be taught creative processes and business skills in an industry context, including teamwork and project management, through work-based learning that involves research, report writing and either a work placement or live project
  • To build an understanding of technological developments, economic strategies, the contemporary market for illustration, contractual and legal conventions, ownership, workflow, production, marketing and promotion as their practice develops


Having completed a work placement and / or live project, our FdA Illustration students are able to go straight into employment or set up as freelance practitioners. Potential areas of employment could include publishing, animation, motion graphics and interactive media.

Students can also apply to the third year of Camberwell's Graphic Design or Illustration degree courses, subject to their grade at FdA level and successful completion of the College's bridging studies programme.