Content: what students can expect

  • To explore a variety of ideas surrounding painting and art practice through a series of lectures, seminars, discussions and tutorials
  • Weekly artist talks that help give new perspectives to painting
  • The opportunity to go to events and exhibitions such as the Liverpool Biennial, Venice Biennale and Berlin's gallery scene
  • To test how their artworks are installed, received and understood by participating inan external exhibition with students from across our BA Fine Art programme
  • A Fine Art lecture series open to all Camberwell undergraduate students studying Drawing, Painting, Photography and Sculpture


By retaining single subject degrees in Fine Art at undergraduate level, Camberwell offers students the chance to study in-depth Painting, Sculpture, Photography and Drawing, while still enabling students to access cross-course teaching and facilities, as well as work with their peers in other Fine Art areas.

All undergraduate Fine Art students at Camberwell attend cross-course crits and tutorials throughout their course, even though they are primarily based in their own subject areas.