The International Business Law programme from Coventry University will provide you the opportunity to learn about the specific laws and regulations pertaining to areas such as international sales, intellectual property and corporate governance.

As more and more companies seek to capitalise on globalisation, many increasingly find themselves faced with complex legal issues arising out of international banking and trade Ð from negotiating different intellectual property rights to adhering to in-country regulations which can vary depending on supplier location.

The Master of Laws is an internationally recognised postgraduate law degree, which can often provide a fast-track for career advancement in todayÕs highly competitive global career market due to its international credibility. We aim to develop and enhance your analytical, critical, communication and presentational skills, much valued by employers. This could potentially lead to careers in law teaching and research, government service, the judiciary, international organisations, non-governmental organisations and private practice.ÊÊ

Career prospects

The LLM in International Business Law at Coventry University can provide successful graduates with career opportunities in various areas and aspects of international business, either as a legal adviser or in a non-legal capacity.

Some students choose to specialise as international business lawyers both at home and abroad, whilst others have gone on to work for international organisations affecting the world of international business such as the IMF, World Bank and WIPO, as well as the international trade departments of the United Nations.Ê

Upon successful graduation, you will possess a range of transferrable graduate and employability skills in research, analysis, synthesis, critical judgement, evaluation, application of knowledge, problem-solving, communication and reflective learning.ÊÊ