In a fast-changing 24-hour multimedia landscape, where everyone with a camera phone is a photographer, our graduates stand out for their creativity, professionalism and critical understanding of the photographic medium.

The program is available in a 3-year full-time and 4-year sandwich program.

TheÊPhotography (Hons) at Coventry University is directly informed by input from the worldÕs leading photographers, editors and curators.Ê Through a dynamic programme of study, we will work with you to develop your individual creative ability, technical skills, critical knowledge and professional experience, to establish a career using photography as a tool for creative expression and visual communication.Ê

Career prospects

Like all of our creative courses, Photography is very much practice-led and informed by research and critical thinking. Throughout your course, you will be encouraged to develop projects that enable you to determine which fields you wish to specialise in, while at the same time building a portfolio of work which will stand out from the crowd.

We benefit from the departmentÕs longstanding relationships with regional, national and international media producers, galleries and museums, including the BBC, Birmingham Open Media, GRAIN, The PhotographersÕ Gallery, The National Portrait Gallery, Photofusion, and Belfast Exposed Photography.

As well as having the option of a year-long work placement as part of a sandwich year, you also have an opportunity for shorter self-initiated placements. Coventry University BA Photography students have worked with photographers as far afield as New York, with such luminaries as Annie Leibovitz, GQ and Vogue photographer Chris Floyd, World Press Award winner Peter Dench, Simon Roberts and Martin Parr.