Delivered in collaboration with the School of Computing and capitalizing on expertise within the University-based international Serious Games Institute, this Games Art (Hons) at Coventry University will develop your understanding of the needs of coders and game developers, at the same time addressing the visual needs of games development. You will learn about industry practices in a simulated games studio environment, gaining a solid grounding in visualization techniques, character, environment, and concept design.

Career prospects

The video/computer games industry has become a dynamic and growing contributor to the UK’s creative economy.

This course models itself on the professional expectations of industry, with a strong emphasis on time management, good communication and self-sufficiency. Professional practice is embedded into the learning experience; we will help you prepare for the rigours of the professional world by simulating the challenges that you will face as a practitioner, developing independent thought, innovation, imagination, critical reflection and confidence in your practice, as well as transferrable skills suitable for employment across the full breadth of the creative industries.

The Creative Futures employment team is on hand to offer tailored career and enterprise support if you wish to gain employment or take advantage of professional practice opportunities within course-specific industries. It provides a programme of workshops, embedded learning, lectures, professional experience and one-to-one guidance to help you develop the transferable skills and enterprising habits required for a successful career. Our dedicated enterprise officers also offer valuable assistance on how to begin as a freelancer/entrepreneur.