At this Automotive and Transport Design (Hons) at Coventry University you will have the opportunity to learn to create innovative product design solutions in a range of styles and media, which factor in purpose, usability, materials, ecology, desirability, technological feasibility and professional constraints.

You will progress from a general foundation in practical and theoretical automotive and transport design capabilities to more specialist knowledge, culminating with your final project. We focus on both digital and physical 3D modelling, providing you with deeper understanding of digital tools and visualisation techniques. Emphasis is also placed on the development of interpersonal skills to better prepare you to work in teams, as a collaborator, conciliator or leader with patrons, makers, users and specialist interest groups.

Career prospects

Professional enhancement is central to our ethos and you will be encouraged to embrace either an industry placement or international study exchange before your final year. When you graduate, you should be used to working proactively to generate ideas as an individual or in teams and meeting deadlines.

We will encourage and guide you to enter national and international design competitions which can enhance your portfolio, expose you to potential employers and increase networking prospects.