• Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery at the University of Cambridge is offered on a full-time basis for a duration of 6 years.
  • It is an on-campus program.
  • At Cambridge, the department offers two medicine courses – the Standard Course and the Graduate Course.
  • The aim of the program is to educate students to become compassionate, thoughtful, skilled members and leaders of the medical profession.
  • As a medical student, they will experience a rigorous, evidence-based medical education within the research-rich environment of the University.
  • Students have opportunities to pursue research and project work throughout the course. 
  • The first three years involve lectures, practical classes (including dissections), and supervisions, with 20-25 timetabled teaching hours each week.
  • The emphasis during the clinical studies (Years 4, 5, and 6) is on learning in clinical settings: at the bedside, in outpatient clinics, and in GP surgeries, which is supported by seminars, tutorials, and discussion groups.
  • Assessment, both formative and summative, plays a significant role throughout.
  • Student's ongoing progress is reviewed weekly and termly by their college supervisors.
  • Formal assessment, which determines a student’s ability to proceed with the course, includes written and practical examinations, coursework submission, and clinical assessments.
  • Successful completion of the first three years leads to a BA degree and on successful completion of the clinical studies in Cambridge students are awarded two degrees, the Bachelor of Medicine and the Bachelor of Surgery (MB, BChir).
  • The department enables students to develop the excellent communication, clinical, interpersonal, and professional skills required for good medical practice.
  • The focus on combining training in the core medical sciences with a broad-based clinical curriculum, encompassing primary, community-based, and hospital care, prepares the student’s careers across general practice, medicine, psychiatry, and other specialties.