• Bachelor of Engineering at the University of Cambridge is offered on a full-time basis for a duration of 4 years.
  • It is an on-campus program.
  • The Engineering course is unique that allows students to keep their options open while equipping with all the analytical, design and computing skills that underpin modern engineering practice.
  • Part I (Years 1 and 2) provides a broad education in engineering fundamentals, enabling students to make a genuinely informed choice about the area in which to specialise from their third year.
  • Part II (Years 3 and 4) then provides in-depth training in their chosen professional discipline.
  • Students are required to complete 6 weeks of industrial experience by the end of the third year, obtained by deferring entry or during vacations.
  • The full-time industrial placement co-ordinator helps deferred entrants and undergraduates to find suitable placements (in the UK and abroad) and sponsorship.
  • The following specializations are available within the Engineering course:
    • Aerospace and Aerothermal Engineering
    • Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering
    • Electrical and Electronic Engineering
    • Energy, Sustainability and the Environment
    • Information and Computer Engineering
    • Instrumentation and Control
    • Mechanical Engineering
  • The Department of Engineering is a leading international centre for research, consistently ranked the highest achieving amongst British universities.
  • The Department’s Language program for Engineers offers specialised courses at all levels in French, German, Spanish, Chinese, and Japanese.