• If a student has a degree in an art and design or computer games-related subject, this course will allow them to specialize in games art at the Master's level.
  • Based on the inspiring environment of our new Compass House Games Centre, students will learn all about best practices in the games industry. They will encourage students to work in design production teams, tackling a series of creative and technical challenges with programmers and industry professionals. They will develop your design skills and learn how to create and publish successful games across a range of platforms.
  • Cambridge accounts for nearly 20% of the UK computer games industry, so it's a great place to study as we enjoy excellent links with the major games developers in the area. What's more, our Computer Games Centre offers studio space to local indie developers, who'll share their knowledge and experience with them.
  • We're partners with the Global Science & Technology Forum, allowing the students access to cutting-edge research materials.
  • While they are studying, we'll encourage them to take on work placements and collaborate on live projects with the games industry. Students will also have the chance to enter games events, such as Brains Eden, which Anglia Ruskin hosts every year.
  • This course runs in parallel with the MSc Computer Games Development (Computing), reflecting the multidisciplinary nature of game creation.