- The program is well-balanced, covering a wide range of topics in engineering science and engineering practice.
- The curriculum embeds a diverse set of professional engineering and management skills spanning four core thematic areas:
- design and manufacture
- dynamics and control
- materials
- thermofluids.
- Years one and two are common to all mechanical engineering students and cover the fundamental principles of mechanical engineering. Teaching is via lectures, laboratories, design classes and short projects in modelling and manufacturing.
- In your third year, students will apply the principles learned to real, complex engineering applications. A major element is the open-ended individual research project, which requires independent and creative thinking.
- First-year students studying Aerospace Engineering, Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, and Engineering Design all start their degree with a broad knowledge of the fundamentals and a command of the skills that underpin modern engineering.
- Students will share common units with your peers in other disciplines and work on an interdisciplinary project, based on global challenges and inspired by Engineers Without Borders.