Combine the fundamentals of computer science with the latest in games design.YouÕll use industry-standard tools, get practical experience and build a portfolio of work, kick-starting a career in this exciting, fast-growing industry.The programme gives you the technical principles and know-how you will need to excel as a games designer, and practical development experience using modern games engines such as Unity and Unreal. YouÕll study disciplines such as:Ê

  • object-orientated programming
  • database systems
  • artificial intelligence for games
  • game design, programming and development
  • mobile application development

The placement year in industry enables you to build contacts whilst developing your skills and professional confidenceThis programme shares a common first year with all our other Computer Science programmes (Computer Science for Business, Cyber Security and Software Engineering, as well as the standard Computer Science programme), allowing you to transfer before the start of the second year if you feel an alternative course suits your emerging interests or career aspirations better.