The Translation Studies programme offered by the University of BirminghamÊoffers training in state-of-the-art translation technology and the opportunity to study another foreign language at beginners, intermediate or advanced level.Ê

There is a range of optional modules focusing on theory and methodology, meaning that this MA also provides excellent preparation for further study at PhD level.

Why study this course?
  • Access to specialist softwareÊ- our curriculum includes a practice of theÊWordfast translation memory tool, courtesy of Wordfast LLC andÊYves Champollion, and a year's access toÊSDL Trados. You will also have access to a range of other tools including theÊSketch EngineÊcorpus manager and text analysis tool.
  • Practical preparation for careers in translationÊ- in order to be admitted to the EMT Network, universities have to prove that their translator training programme coversÊfive key competencesÊneeded for translation jobs in international institutions and in the field of multilingual communication, all of which this programme provides.Ê
  • Excellent reputationÊ- the University of Birmingham has been ranked as one of the world's top 100 institutions to study Modern Languages in the World Rankings.
  • FacilitiesÊ- you will develop a sophisticated knowledge of how computer-aided translation tools work through access to the facilities available within the Department of Modern Languages. Having this understanding will allow you to specialise and engage with complex material allowing you to stand out when embarking on your professional career.Ê
  • EmployabilityÊ- our graduates go onto pursue a range of interesting careers such as setting up their own translation companies, translating literary anthologies and working as project managers for international companies. Recent students have secured competitive internships at the United Nation Translation Service as the UN Headquarters in New York and at the European Union Directorate-General for Translation in Brussels. Over the past three years, 93% of Translation Studies students were in work and/or further study six months after graduation.
  • Links with industryÊ-Êwe host a series of talks onÊ'The Translation Profession'Êwhich brings speakers with a range of expertise in the translation industry - employers, freelancers, publishers, representatives of national and international organisations - and where students can gain a further insight into the profession.Ê


Graduates of the MA in Translation Studies go on to a variety ofÊinteresting careers, from working as translators and project managers for major language service providers, to running their own translation companies, or staying on in Birmingham to do doctoral research. Over the past three years, 93% of Translation Studies graduates were in work and/or further study six months after graduation.

The programme will enable you to develop a wide range of skills and attributes which will be vital in your future career. In particular, it will give you the ability to:

  • Analyse and translate samples of English and other languages, using appropriate methods
  • Retrieve information, terminology and specialised-knowledge from a range of sources, and use them in their translation practice
  • Communicate effectively in written academic English and use appropriate IT skills, including a range of computer-aided translation tools
  • Interact effectively in a group
  • Plan work effectively, with appropriate time-management skills
  • Carry out research in a selected area, both individually and in terms, and report that research appropriately.