The Social Research (Social Policy) programme offered by the University of Birmingham is recognised by the ESRC as a research training programme designed to provide participants with a solid foundation in a broad range of social science research methods as well as basic research skills.Ê

Students will acquire a general overview of the philosophy of social research, and understand how this informs research design, methods of data collection and analysis.Ê

They will also develop an ability to use a range of research methods to communicate research findings effectively and an understanding of the potential use of, and impact of their research, within and beyond academia.Ê

The core elements of this programme are delivered by staff from across the College of Social Sciences, many of them engaged in cutting-edge research in their particular fields.Ê


This course is designed for those considering research as a career. That includes those wanting an academic career, for whom this degree is ideal preparation for undertaking a doctorate (PhD).Ê

It also includes those seeking a research career in such areas as central government, local government, charities and in consultancies and market/social research. The degree also provides good transferable skills in evaluation and in analysing data, and the ability to critique published research.