Materials Chemists work in diverse areas such as medicine and information technology to paints, adhesives or developing building materials.

All of our modern lives have been produced by the work of materials chemists developing new materials or providing molecular understanding and formulating materials. Of course the information technology revolution would not be possible without silcon-based semi conductors developed by materials chemists and much of our modern world would not function without polymer materials. Approximately, 60 -70 % of all chemists works as materials chemists globally and a good understanding of all aspects of materials chemistry is a powerful addition to any scientist's education.

Few if any of the UK institutions offer the breadth of opportunities and wide ranging educational opportunities in this area in the UK that University of Bradford can offer. Also, their staff are international leaders in polymer chemistry, inorganic materials and nanochemistry and they are able to provide a broader educational experience in materials chemistry than any other UK Chemistry department. Their approach is to provide a rigorous education in materials chemistry that is firmly grounded in fundamental studies of the core chemical disciplines in stages 1 and 2. University of Bradford believes that this approach will provide you with all of the opportunities that you need to enter high flying careers in both academia or industry.

You will be able to gain genuine practical experience of research apparatus through workshop and practical exercises throughout the course. If you select the four-year course, formal recognition will be given to your vocational year through the award of the MChem.

Career prospects
University of Bradford's courses for the Chemistry (Materials Chemistry) course have been developed in consultation with major graduate employers in the pharmaceutical, forensic, biotechnology and analytical industries to provide training in these major employment sectors for chemistry graduates, so our graduates should be well placed for employment in these and other fields.