Content is geared towards conditions foundÊin developed and developing countries, andÊthe course is suitable for road engineers andÊcivil engineering graduates seeking to take theirÊcareer into road management.

TheÊRoad Management and Engineering programme offered by the University of BirminghamÊis relevant to conditions found in both developed and developing countries and are suitable for road engineers and civil engineering graduates who want to pursue a career in road management.

The course has been devised to meet theÊdemands of both the UK and overseas roadÊindustry. It offers advanced training to engineersÊaspiring to higher or middles management inÊpublic and private sector road management.

Management-focused modules complementÊthe range of subjects taught in the engineering orientedÊmodules and include state-of-the-artÊprinciples and practices associated with roadÊasset management, economics and financing,ÊHDM-4 (the World BankÕs de facto standardÊfor road investment appraisal) and planning.

  • Modules are delivered via a variety of lectures, tutorials, team exercises, projects and site visits.
  • Those taking the MSc progamme undertake a research project which accounts for 60 credits (one third of the overall programme).
  • An important feature is flexibility of delivery, allowing primarily UK-based practising road engineers to attend on a part-time basis.


Graduates are held in high regard andÊmanyÊof todayÕs senior executives in roadÊauthorities throughout the world areÊgraduates of the programme. Our excellentÊlinks with industry ensure that the vastÊmajority of graduates find rewardingÊemployment and amongst our recentÊgraduates are those who have joined theÊWorld Bank, government road agencies,Êlocal authorities, international armsÊof consulting engineers, niche assetÊmanagement specialists and roadÊcontractors as well as those who have goneÊon to PhD study.