The Translation Studies (Distance Learning) programme offered by University of BirminghamÊis available to students who are proficient in English and another language including Arabic, Chinese, French, German, Greek, Italian, Polish, PortugueseÊand Spanish. Supervision in other languages may be possible, depending on available staff expertise.

Whether your interest is in the translation of specialised documentation (commercial and technical translation), creative writing (literary translation) or the translation of hybrid text genres such as websites or advertisements, the programme will provide you with a solid foundation to develop your career.ÊTraining in translation theory and research methods means this MA also offers excellent preparation for further study at PhD level.


Graduates of the MA in Translation Studies go on to a variety ofÊinteresting careers, from working as translators and project managers for major language service providers, to running their own translation companies, or staying on in Birmingham to do doctoral research.Ê

The programme will enable you to develop a wide range of skills and attributes which will be vital in your future career. In particular, it will give you the ability to:

  • Analyse and translate samples of English and other languages, using appropriate methods
  • Retrieve information, terminology and specialised-knowledge from a range of sources, and use them in their translation practice
  • Communicate effectively in written academic EnglishÊ
  • Plan work effectively, with appropriate time-management skills
  • Carry out research in a selected area, both individually and in terms, and report that research appropriately.