• The University of Birmingham offers a Master in Geotechnical Engineering and Management program for a duration of 1 year.
  • It is an on-campus program and available Full-time.
  • Geotechnical Engineering and Management Masters program is designed to support high-level training and enhance both the technical and managerial skills of graduates and experienced personnel who work in or aspire to a career in the construction or related industries. It is aimed at civil engineers and geologists who wish to widen their professional scope or to specialize in geotechnical engineering with the addition of modern managerial skills.
  • The Management aspect of this program also covers managerial skills for the construction industry, including groundworks and risk management, BIM in infrastructure and infrastructure planning process. The research project allows for detailed study into a particular area of geotechnical engineering and can focus upon laboratory testing, numerical modeling, or management of geotechnical processes/applications.
  • Students will develop a sound knowledge of soil and rock mechanics, current civil engineering design, and construction management and practice. The research project allows for detailed study into a particular area of geotechnical engineering and can focus upon laboratory testing, numerical modeling, or management of geotechnical processes/applications. 
  • This will support student's career as a geotechnical engineer, enabling them to plan and direct ground investigations and laboratory testing, giving them the basis for interpreting results and proposing the optimum methods of design and construction.
  • Job opportunities after the Master in Geotechnical Engineering and Management and the average salary goes up to 69,683USD.