• The University of Birmingham offers an M.Eng in Civil and Railway Engineering program for a duration of 4 years.
  • It is an honor program and available Full-time.
  • This unique course has been developed in close liaison with the railway industry, which means that what students will learn is relevant and immediately applicable. Student's studies will focus on core civil engineering as well as the specialized study on railway infrastructure, including railway management and a railway design project. 
  • These courses are designed to give students as many opportunities as possible to tackle problems by applying taught materials in design exercises. These interdisciplinary design projects thread through our degree programs, increasing in complexity as the course continues. Students will also work alongside Mechanical and Electrical Engineers to develop designs for technologies with impact in the world.
  • During this Civil and Railway Engineering MEng degree, students will be actively involved in developing the specific design and professional skills required by Civil Engineers and will tackle numerous design problems to develop their analytical, technical, and decision-making abilities. Whilst studying all the major Civil Engineering subjects, they will also gain experience in a range of railway system issues and disciplines.
  • Students will share their first year across disciplines of Civil, Mechanical and Electronic, Electrical, and Systems Engineering allowing students to gain foundations of understanding in all three areas.
  • Students will get many opportunities to work as a team which is great preparation for the types of roles that students can secure after graduation.
  • Job opportunities after the M.Eng in Civil and Railway Engineering, and the average salary goes up to 1,022,633USD