Microfossils provide the main method of dating the geological sequences essential for petroleum exploration and other sub-surface investigations, including engineering and CO2 sequestration. Micropalaeontology also underpins the academic study of past climates, environments and evolution back to the origin of life, 3.8 billion years ago. Further applications include forensic geology and archaeology.

The first six months of your course at Birmingham will be spent in lectures and practical classes which focus on the key microfossil groups and their applications (for age determination, environmental reconstructions, and understanding evolutionary processes). During this time you will broaden your understanding of petroleum geology and sedimentary basin analysis.

The remaining time is spent conducting an independent micropalaeontological research project, which gives you the training in academic research skills required for a research degree (PhD), or industry. You will also take part in a UK-based field trip to provide first-hand experience of collecting and preparing your own samples, as well as developing your knowledge of hydrocarbon exploration and sedimentary geology by visiting an active hydrocarbon system in an iconic region of UK geology.

You may also have the opportunity to view key micropalaeontology collections at UK museums, e.g., Natural History Museum, and to engage in UK-based scientific conferences.


By choosing to studyÊApplied and Petroleum Micropalaeontology programme offered at University of Birmingham you will embark on an enriching journey building a strong foundation for your professional future. Your studies will give you invaluable real-world experience.