Department of African Studies and Anthropology teaching programmes at University of Birmingham are grounded in AfricansÕ own views of the continent and the world.

Studying Anthropology will enable you to develop a distinctive set of skills and attributes. You will learn how to search for, select from and evaluate sources of information, weigh up arguments, and present your findings effectively.ÊAs an anthropologist however, you will also become sensitive to the assumptions and beliefs that underlie behaviour in a range of social and cultural contexts, and this gives you a critical edge.Ê

After a thorough grounding of modules in the first year, we offer a wide range of African Studies and Anthropology optional modules in years two and three. ÊIn the third year, you will develop a dissertation on an anthropological topic based on your interests, in consultation with a supervisor with relevant expertise. This degree has the advantage of being distinctive, which will really help you to stand out from the crowd.Ê

Times Higher Education ranked the Department of African Studies and Anthropology 2nd in the country for its performance in the latest Research Excellence Framework exercise.ÊThe staff who teach Anthropology and African Studies have lived and taught in countries beyond Western Europe, and have a range of language skills acquired through intensive ethnographic field work.


  • Careers events - we hold events covering careers in teaching, event management, marketing and working with charities to help you meet potential employers and learn more about these sectors.
  • Global Challenge - you can apply to work overseas on an expenses-paid placement during your summer vacation through our Global Challenge initiative.
  • Work experience bursary - we encourage you to apply your skills in the workplace by undertaking internships in the summer. Our work experience bursaries allow you to apply for funding to support you during unpaid internships.
  • Cultural Internships - our innovative Cultural Internships offer graduates the opportunity for a six month paid internship at a leading cultural institution in the West Midlands. These internships will give you professional experience to set you apart in a competitive graduate market. Our current partners include Birmingham Museums and Art Gallery, Birmingham REP, Birmingham Royal Ballet, City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra, Ironbridge Gorge Museums Trust, Library of Birmingham.

The African Studies and Anthropology graduates have gone on to careers such as:ÊÊ

  • Adjudicator
  • Graduate Research Executive
  • Pensions Administrator
  • Teacher
  • Graduate Intern
  • Compliance Executive
  • IT Project Management Trainee
  • Production Runner
  • Parliamentary Researcher
  • Business Adviser
  • Caseworker
  • Event Manager
  • Postgraduate studyÊÊ