Gain experience in medical and surgical nursing, care of older people, community nursing and nursing in an acute setting.

Successful completion of this course leads to the award of both an Honours degree and registration with the Nursing and Midwifery Council as a registered nurse, allowing you to practise as an adult nurse and in accordance with the NHS Constitution.

Why choose this course:

  • Study areas including health across the lifespan; physical and mental health; professional practice; legislation and ethics; assessment and management of patients; leadership, management and service improvement
  • Develop the practical skills, knowledge, attitudes, skills and behaviours needed to nurse adults professionally and compassionately
  • Gain significant practical experience on a course comprising 50% theoretical learning and 50% practical learning Ð with some of the highest graduate employment rates in the country
  • Benefit from a course that will lead you to a challenging and rewarding career as a registered adult nurse in a range of healthcare environments, including community hospital and residential settings, and can provide a route to specialised clinical practice, management or education